Are Termites A Problem On Your Property


Are Termites A Problem On Your Property

Termites often enter through minuscule cracks in the foundation of your home. A termite can squeeze through any crack over 1/64th of an inch wide. As your home settles, hairline cracks form that are often not visible during a termite inspection by an untrained eye; yet still, these cracks allow termites entry into the timbers of your home. You probably thought your home’s foundation was an impenetrable block of concrete; most people do. Unfortunately, termites often enter your home through the foundation and cause immense damage. There are several different kinds of foundations, so we’ll cover them one by one, first offering suggestions for termite inspection techniques, then solutions for termite control and prevention of termite damage. termite control

Please keep the following suggestions in mind while reading over this material:

Proper treatment for termite damage on existing foundations should be carried out by a licensed, registered termite inspection and damage prevention technician. The application of termite control chemicals is dangerous and must be carried out in direct compliance with the label. Failure to comply is punishable by State and Federal law. Do-it-yourself termite control is not encouraged when dealing with foundation treatment situations. The most effective termite control techniques for protecting flat slab foundations start before the slab is poured. Preventing termite damage through slab foundations, other than crawlspaces, flat slab foundations are the worst in the long-term preservation of the integrity and the most difficult to treat for proper home maintenance of termite control.

The first step toward protecting your slab foundation from termite damage (after a termite inspection identifying any direct threats) is to identify where any electrical, plumbing or ductwork is running beneath your slab. Some homes have “plenum” ventilation systems built directly into their slab. Blueprints or a quick call to the building inspection services department that supervised the construction of your home will tell whether or not your home has this system. If you have a plenum system, you must find where the ductwork is. Plenum systems generally run the length of the home, with three or four parallel ducts inside the slab. Once you have identified the location of the plenum systems, they should undergo a termite inspection by a professional termite or building inspection service. On the surface of your foundation, mark out all heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical lines with spray paint. If you don’t want to have them marked permanently, use sidewalk chalk. pest control : Termites

You’ll need a hammer drill for the next part of this home maintenance process. Ensure that all electrical lines are marked clearly, and turn off the power to the home before drilling. Whatever damage occurs during this home maintenance process is the sole responsibility of the individual carrying out the task described. Professional termite inspection and control experts roughly drill into the foundation slab every twelve to eighteen inches. Building inspection services suggest maintaining a distance of at least twelve inches from the exterior wall when drilling to avoid extensive cracking of the foundation. Once the holes are drilled along the edges of the foundation and the lines of the plenum, a synthetic pyrethroid gel should be injected into the holes until full. The repellent will seep into the ground, penetrating the soil and repelling termite infestations from the premises.

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